Gas Market NBP contracts were once again in decline on Monday, continuing Friday’s downward trajectory. Day ahead shed 2.68p to finish at 75.51p per therm, the lowest close since May 20th, despite an unplanned outage at the Tolmount platform and higher demand for gas from the power generation sector. With supply appearing otherwise healthy, the […]
Kore Energy
Stable Norwegian imports and a robust LNG arrival schedule into Europe helped to ease near curve prices on Friday
Gas Market On Friday NBP prompt contracts traded relatively flat against their previous close with greater losses experienced further out along the near curve. A rise in gas for power demand levels as well as a downward revision to wind generation forecasts for this week muted any short-term downside stemmed from a well balanced gas […]
Near months of the NBP averaged gains of 1.50p yesterday
Gas Market An unplanned outage at Norway’s Oseberg field flipped gas prices on Thursday as Wednesday’s losses were partially eroded. Gassco, the Norwegian gas operator is uncertain as to the duration of the outage for now and the impact is up to 7.5mcm of capacity. The market reacted to the news with both the prompt […]
Weak fundamentals drove NBP prompt and curve prices down on Wednesday
Gas Market The NBP gas market moved back into negative territory on Wednesday. A flurry of weak fundamentals made up of higher wind-for-power generation and steady supply from Norway due to the return of several fields and terminals from maintenance played into the bear’s favour. The GB system finished the day in a long position, […]
Tuesday saw a choppy NBP market with contracts recovering some of Monday’s losses as market fundamentals remain strong
Gas Market The NBP gas market oscillated close to Monday’s close for much of yesterday’s session. For the most part contracts traded below Monday’s close as the front season, Winter-24 fell to an intra-day low of 98.50p/th before recovering juts prior to the close, posting a day-on-day gain of 1.13p/th to close at 99.94p/th. Similarly, […]
Declines seen across the NBP on Monday, with the near curve making the biggest losses
Gas Market A more pronounced downturn in prices, particularly on the near curve, was observed across the NBP gas market on Monday. August-24, now trading as the new front month, fell by almost 5.00p from an intra-day high of 83.15p per therm to settle at 78.30p. The losses continued on the prompt, albeit to a […]
The NBP gas market continued its sideways ebb and flow on Friday
Gas Market Direction was mixed across the NBP prompt and curve on Friday, with small gains exhibited on the far curve, while Day ahead and near curve contracts showed some mild weakness. On it’s first day of trading as the front month contract August-24 closed the day at 81.35p per therm, a decrease of 1.01p […]
NBP Gas contracts moved sideways as prices oscillated close to Wednesday’s close
Gas Market The sideways momentum continued on the NBP on Thursday with prompt and curve contracts partially retracing losses posted during the previous session. Initial upside over the course of the morning was overcome once again by a late decline as the market remained rangebound. On its final day of trade the front month, reluctant […]
NBP futures softened late in the session on Wednesday
Gas Market The weeks’ upward momentum continued into early trade on Wednesday morning across the NBP prompt and curve. Having breached the 83p per therm level in the morning session the front month contract softened ahead of the close to settle at 79.01p, a loss of 3% day on day. Prompt contracts followed a similar […]
Tuesday saw gas prices extend the gains made late in Monday’s session
Gas Market NBP near curve gas contracts extended Monday’s gains increasing in value across the session. The front month, Jul-24 was assessed at 81.59p/th at market settlement on Tuesday, a day-on-day gain of 1.90p/th. Similarly, the Q3-24 contract as it approaches expiry on Thursday, posted a gain of 1.89p/th settling at 83.92p/th. The gains came […]
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