Carbon markets increased due to a reduced volume of allowances in circulation

Gas Market The decline on UK and European gas markets continued Tuesday with far curve contract in particular continuing their recent collapse. The NBP Winter-23 contract lost 3.74 pence per therm to close at 121.72p/therm, a loss of 20.49p over five days. Behind the recent collapse is the high levels of storage across Nort West […]

Crude oil prices snapped a three-day losing streak on Monday.

Gas Market The GB wholesale gas market continued to show weakness on Monday as the near curve fell by a further 1.50p – 2.00p however it was the front winter contract that stole the limelight by shedding over 8.00p.  It was the second day in a row that contracts covering 2024, which had resisted the […]

Growing anxiety surrounding fuel demand pushes oil prices lower

Gas Market UK gas contracts displayed a mixed pattern of movement yesterday, but overall prices remained stagnant, failing to surpass the 1.00p threshold. The font of the curve remains in negative territory based on the five day moving averages, while further dated contracts are still holding risk premium. The front month contract June settled at […]

Crude oil prices recovered some of the week’s losses on Friday.

Gas Market The GB gas system remained short on Friday with lower wind generation adding to demand while scheduled maintenance works on Norwegian feeds curbed imports.  Prompt prices settled around 2.00p higher, boosted by the tight gas supplies on the day while the balance of month contract settled 2.55p higher at 83.05p.  The near months […]

Crude oil prices recorded another steep decline

Gas Market A stronger than expected flow of gas from Norway coupled with low demand weighed on the prompt and near curve yesterday.  Scheduled maintenance works at the Karsto field was suspended yesterday which increased gas flows to the UK on the day.  Prompt prices were falling earlier with demand subdued due to the mild […]

Limited price movement has been recorded in the UK gas market this morning

Gas Market UK natural gas forward contracts saw declines during Friday’s session, with weak demand and few bullish factors evident to drive prices back into an upward trend. Contracts for delivery for the remaining months of the year lost 1.79p on average while the bellwether contract Winter 23 settled at 146.07p, down 1.57 pence per […]

Carbon EUAs settled higher for the first time in over a week yesterday

Gas Market There was more sideways movement in the NBP futures market on Thursday with near months flipping between losses and gains while there was a late gain in contracts from the winter out.  May expired on the ICE platform yesterday and settled almost flat at 90.53p while the June contract gained nearly a penny […]

Global oil markets continued to trend negatively

Gas Market UK gas contracts appeared to be on track for a day of losses yesterday, but towards the end of the session, some far curve contracts, including Summer 24, managed to reverse the losses and concluded the day with gains. Bearish pressure long along the near curve had once again arose from robust LNG […]

Gas prices are in decline across the board this morning

Gas Market A mixed day for near curve contracts saw some contracts increase in price while most notably, June gained value. The front month opened at parity to Monday’s close before trading higher in mid-morning. News of at least six laden LNG vessels confirmed to dock at UK LNG regassification terminals soon pressured prices late […]

NBP contracts take an additional step lower this morning

Gas Market UK gas prices started yesterday session in positive territory, however as the day progressed prices began to retreat in line with a healthy fundamental picture and eventually close lower. However, the overall market sentiment remained subdued, with limited price movement observed. Notably, the largest dip in prices was witnessed along the near curve, […]