Gas Market Low demand and a comfortable gas system weighed on the NBP prompt on Wednesday as prices fell by over 2.00p for the most part. Even with wind generation below seasonal norms at 4.0GW, gas demand remained around 150mcm for the day while exports to the Netherlands were increased as traders took advantage of […]
The gas markets opened firmer after the long weekend as tensions in the Middle East increased
Gas Market The gas markets opened firmer after the long weekend as tensions in the Middle East increased with Israel rejecting the current proposal for a ceasefire while Hamas were looking to accept the deal. In fact, Israel continued its assault on the border city of Rafah yesterday morning which likely caused the June contract […]
Early gains to the NBP near curve have been reversed and the front month is down almost 3.70p intra-day this morning
Gas Market After the sharp gains on Thursday the gas markets were undecided on the bank holiday Friday as near futures flip flopped between gains and losses through the day. The front month traded within a tight range with the peak of the day at 77.67p per therm while the low was 73.50p. GB gas […]
A shortage in gas supplies yesterday due maintenance on various Norwegian facilities was behind the gas price increase
Gas Market NBP Gas contracts increased in value across the day, with near curve contracts opening at parity before a rally caused by a lack of supply took hold for the day. European gas markets, buoyed by falling temperatures and low Norwegian pipeline supplies as planned maintenance continued at a number of facilities, gained momentum […]
Brent for July delivery declined by $2.89 a barrel on the day but was down $4.42 a barrel from where the June contract settled on Tuesday
Gas Market Subdued gas demand pressured the prompt on Wednesday which in turn fed into near months on the NBP curve. GB gas demand was below 145mcm, and supplies ran with a surplus to the end of trading as planned maintenance works continued at several Norwegian plants. With temperatures expected to remain above the […]
BP gas contracts reversed all of Monday’s losses amid supply tightness
Gas Market Gas prices rebounded from Monday’s losses buoyed by a risk of an interruption in LNG deliveries from Qatar following attacks by Houthi Militants in the Indian Ocean. By expanding their attack range outside of the Red Sea, the risk of LNG tankers being disrupted, even those routing around the Cape of God Hope, […]
The return to production of the Freeport LNG export facility weighed on gas prices
Gas Market In its final session before expiry, the May-24 contract fell by over three pence per therm. Gas prices declined with pressure coming from increased gas flows in the US to LNG liquefaction plants. Freeport LNG was pulling in additional gas as the plant began its return from maintenance with the total volume of […]
Friday’s late declines have continued into this morning’s session with near NBP months down a further 2.25p on average
Gas Market The restoration of gas flows from Norway returned comfort to the UK gas market on Friday afternoon as prompt and near futures yielded most of the premium added over the previous two sessions. Near futures had ticked up due to curtailed gas flows from Norway on Wednesday and Thursday with May adding 3.43p […]
NBP Gas curve prices are retreating from early morning highs.
Gas Market NBP gas prices nudged higher on Thursday as reduced Norwegian flows continued to make their presence felt on gas contracts. Flows were reduced due to a number of planned and unplanned outages but are all expected to return to production at some stage across Friday. The May-24 contract made strong gains, culminating in […]
BP futures have continued to edge higher this morning
Gas Market Curtailed supplies from Norway and forecasts for increased demand provided support to the prompt and near curve yesterday. Issues at the Norwegian Hammerfest LNG plant which could impact up 36mcm of imports to the UK will not be resolved until Friday. Gas demand picked up yesterday afternoon which left the system short, and […]
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