Gas Market For the second consecutive session, UK gas prices experienced another dip yesterday, albeit with limited movement. Gas for delivery in 2024 lost 1.02p on average, while the front seasonal contract Summer-24 closed at 69.14p. The market appears to be maintaining a sense of stability, with most price movements over the five-day average remaining […]
Carbon EUA contracts out to 2026 declined by an average of 1.9% yesterday
Gas Market The outages at Troll and Nyhamna were still evident yesterday and are now expected to be repaired by Friday according to the latest information posted on the Gassco website. While the capacity impacted is lower at up to 16mcm, this curbed losses on Wednesday. NBP futures fell by just over a penny for […]
A choppy day on the NBP saw all contracts move sideways with near curve contracts making minor gains.
Gas Market A choppy day on the NBP saw all contracts move sideways with near curve contracts making minor gains while far curve prices posted minimal losses. The front month contract, March-24, added just over a quarter of a penny to close at 69.59p/th. The Nyhamna processing plant in Norway remained offline throughout Tuesday’s session, […]
NBP futures ended just over two pence per therm lower on Monday
Gas Market After a sluggish opening to the week, NBP futures ended the first daily session just over two pence per therm lower. Prompt prices settled mixed with movement either way limited to a penny after unplanned outages at the Troll Field and Nyhamna plant provided a boost but was later revealed that both issues […]
Two unplanned outages at Norwegian facilities Nyhama and Troll have temporarily disrupted export nominations
Gas Market On Friday, UK gas prices were extending their recent decline. However, as the market settled, the price movement was limited, and no prices exceeded a movement of 1.00 pence per therm. The NBP front month contract March dipped to a low of 69.58p but eventually closed at 71.48p while gas for delivery in […]
A clear downward trend emerged during yesterday’s UK gas session
Gas Market Yesterday, UK gas prices opened flat but later showed a clear downward trend, leading to premium falling from the front of the curve, with March-24 closed at 71.25p down 3.05p on the day. With prices in January trading at their lowest levels since early 2022, the opening session of February aligned with this […]
Tuesdays gains to NBP futures were consolidated yesterday
Gas Market Tuesdays gains to NBP futures were consolidated on Wednesday as near month contracts ended the session an average of 1.60p per therm higher. The GB gas system opened undersupplied yesterday and reports emerged later in the session of an outage at the Kollsnes plant which explained the lower deliveries through the Langeled feed […]
Prices along the gas curve stepped higher supported by farmer’s protests in Belgium and the pricing in of the delay in LNG due to the Red Sea attacks
Gas Market As trading began on the NBP it appeared as if Tuesday would be a repeat of the last 4 days of trading as prices appeared to be once again rangebound, effectively moving sideways over the last number of sessions. In its final session before expiry the Feb-24 contract fell initially to 67.80p/th but […]
Brent fell back off a near 3-month high on Monday
Gas Market There was early support for near futures on the NBP on Monday as prices continued to firm on the back of outages at the Freeport LNG facility in Texas. The front month peaked at 72.05p per therm, which was 2.80p above Friday’s close but as the day unfolded prices flip-flopped and February ended […]
UK gas contracts have continued their upward trend from Friday
Gas Market UK gas prices opened in negative territory on Friday, however as the session progressed momentum shifted, and contracts eventually settled marginally higher. The front month contract February opened at 67.25p, marking a 1.23p discount compared to the previous session. However, a change in sentiment saw the contract end the day at 69.35p, a […]
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