Gas Market NBP gas prices firmed on Monday in a continuation of Friday’s upward trend. Russian gas exports through Ukraine to Europe were reported to be down by more than 3.0% on Sunday and Monday from levels seen in recent months, adding to the general sense of unease surrounding gas supplies as we get deeper […]
Early losses across the NBP on Friday turned into gains by midday, largely due to news that the EU will implement storage filling targets for 2025
Gas Market With January-25 taking over as the front month on Friday after December-24’s expiry, the contract initially maintained its predecessor’s recent downward trend when the session opened. However, losses soon turned to gains around midday. An announcement from Centrica stating that the UK’s gas stores could be lower at the end of the winter […]
A stuttering start to the Israel Hezbollah ceasefire provided some support to crude oil prices
Gas Market It was the last day of trading for the December contract on the ICE platform yesterday and the outgoing front month for the NBP yielded 1.55p to settle at 115.44p per therm. It was the third day of declines in succession for the near curve, which averaged losses of 1.60p yesterday, and the […]
NBP prices continued to decline gradually on Wednesday as the Israel-Hezbollah ceasefire weighed on near-dated contracts
Gas Market In a continuation of Tuesday’s decline, NBP prices fell further on Wednesday, although a late rally on the front month threatened to eradicate the earlier losses. Having reached an intraday low of 115.00p per therm, the December-24 contract settled at 116.99p per therm, down 1.30p day-on-day. The near months are now down by […]
NBP Gas Prices Fall Amid Volatile Trading and Ceasefire Rumors
Gas Market Volatile remained the most fitting word to describe the NBP gas market on Tuesday. Following Monday’s gains, gas prices pushed higher again during the morning session, reaching a peak of 121.13p/th. However, prices began to ease off just after midday. The decline was far from straightforward, as the Dec-24 contract dipped to an […]
Volatility continued to characterize the NBP on Monday, with contract retracing much of the previous days’ losses during the session.
Gas Market Volatility continued to characterize the NBP on Monday, with contracts retracing much of the previous days’ losses during the session. After reaching an intra-day high of 121.53p per therm, the front month contract eventually settled at 119.51p per therm, up 2.52p day-on-day. Russian gas exports via Ukraine to Europe remain stable, despite the […]
A tight GB gas system along with increased geopolitical risk provided the upside to gas prices on Thursday
Gas Market The volatility in the energy markets continued on Friday with the U.S. sanctions on Gazprombank providing uncertainty while forecasts for temperatures to rise over the weekend provided downward pressure to the prompt. The Spot and Day ahead contracts shed 4.75p and 6.70p per therm respectively on the day. The loss for the […]
A tight GB gas system along with increased geopolitical risk provided the upside to gas prices on Thursday
Gas Market The cool temperatures combined with the recent escalation of the Russian Ukraine war brought another volatile session for the gas markets on Thursday. GB gas demand rose to 327mcm yesterday, the highest of the current winter so far and supplies lagged demand despite high LNG send out. LNG facilities in the UK […]
NBP near curve contracts retraced most of Tuesdays’ losses on Wednesday as ongoing geopolitical tensions fed risk premium into prices.
Gas Market After initially opening the morning session below its previous close, the NBP front month contract went on to trade at a high of 118.18p per therm, before closing down a touch at 117.15p per therm. The ongoing sense of unease surrounding the war in Ukraine and whether or not unfolding events will disrupt […]
Near curve NBP gas contracts fell by an average of 3.0% on Tuesday as Russian gas continued to flow
Gas Market Gas prices declined in trading Tuesday as Russian gas continued to flow into Europe despite the announcement over the weekend that Gazprom would curtail flows into Austria. Reports show that nominations for Russian gas to flow through Slovakia to the Austrian border continue, but the counterparty on the Austrian side of the border […]
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