Gas Market October fell by almost 2.00p per therm on Tuesday after adding almost 8.00p over the previous two sessions. The recent volatility due to fears of a widening of the conflict in the Middle East continues to underpin the market but the near curve reacted to strong gas supplies yesterday as Norwegian gas flows […]
Rebecca Cullen
A rebound across global financial markets drove gains across UK gas and power prices on Tuesday
Gas Market Recovering stock markets and heightened weather-related demand in Asia pushed NBP prices back up on Tuesday wiping out most of Monday’s losses in the process. The front month contract settled above 90.00p per therm for the first time since December 2023, closing at 90.29p per therm, a day on day increase of 3.24p. […]
The EUA carbon market shed value on Friday
Gas Market On Friday, the UK gas market showed relatively subdued activity, but contracts managed to end the week with gains. Notably, the recurring trend of risk premiums gradually accumulating at the front of the curve persisted, with the front-month contract climbing by 2.87p to settle at 82.14 pence per therm. Meanwhile, the Winter 23 […]
On Monday, the UK gas market witnessed the unwinding of risk premium
Gas Market On Monday, the UK gas market witnessed the unwinding of risk premium, primarily impacting near term contracts, which contracts further along the curve appeared more resilient to the downward pressure. The front month contract Oct-23 lost 5.51p to settle at 81.25 pence per therm while Winter-23 shed 3.82p to end the day at […]
Over the weekend Norway’s gas exports dropped to one of the lowest levels in many years
Gas Market The UK gas market displayed stability on Friday, with NBP contracts trading within a narrow range compared to the previous session. The front month contract October saw a marginal gain of 1.03p, settling at 86.76p, while the Winter 23 contract closed 0.13p higher at 124.55 pence per therm. One of the key focal […]
UK gas market is grappling with limited liquidity
Gas Market The risk premium that had been present in the UK gas market saw a decline during yesterday’s session, with the remaining months of the year loosing 9.89p on average. This decline not only erased the gains achieved in the previous three sessions but also resulted in the majority of contracts shifting into negative […]
UK gas markets settled higher for the third day in a row
Gas Market The UK gas markets settled higher for the third day in a row but gains yesterday were marginal and NBP futures are still on course to post a loss for the week. The market opened softer but early losses were reversed over the course of the session as Norwegian outages raised concerns of […]
Threat of Hurricane Idalia could hit crude oil supplies in an already tightening market
Gas Market NBP futures settled marginally higher on Tuesday after markets were closed on Monday for the UK bank holiday when news broke that Chevron’s two major liquefied natural gas (LNG) production facilities in Australia could face daily work stoppages of up to 10 hours next week. Chevron’s Gorgan and Wheatstone projects account for more […]
European carbon markets struggled to rebound yesterday
Yesterday in summary Yesterday, the UK gas and power markets were closed due to a Bank Holiday. Across the channel, the Dutch TTF market displayed limited price movement, as the front of the curve edged 2.34p per therm higher on average. European carbon markets struggled to rebound yesterday, following a sharp downward correction last week. […]
The week ended with more volatility for the NBP futures market
Gas Market The week ended with more volatility for the NBP futures market with Norwegian outages limiting gas flows while potential strike action by Australian LNG workers also adding some upside. Gas flows to the UK through the Langeled feeder were down to just a trickle on Friday as the scheduled maintenance works continued at […]
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